Visual Merchandiser

Visual Merchandisers are responsible for conceptualizing, designing and implementing window and in-store displays for both online and brick and mortar retail stores. Visual Merchandisers must combine their artistic flair and creativity with technical know-how to set up displays that catch the eye and appeal to the senses of their target customers in order to: (1) create and maintain an image for a department or store that resonates with their target customers, (2) increase customer traffic in the store, and (3) guide their customers browsing through merchandise placement and store layout to result in an eventual sale. Visual Merchandisers may also oversee or have input into the design and layout of a store or department, trade show displays, and any other areas where the store’s merchandise are displayed, promoted, or sold.
Visual Merchandiser Salary Range:Entry level pay range: $15,000 to $25,000+
Experienced pay range: $30,000 to $45,000+
Top level pay range: $50,000 to $60,000+
In the coming years, jobs for Visual Merchandisers are projected to grow at a pace higher than that of the national average. As more retailers realize the positive impact that displays can have on their in-store customer traffic and ultimately on their bottom lines, skilled Visual Merchandisers have become more sought after. Experienced Visual Merchandisers who have a proven track record of creating great displays may either be promoted to managerial positions of greater responsibilities, or have the option of joining an interior design and/or architecture firm or starting their own.
Visual Merchandiser Career Qualifications:Experience – Retail sales experience is very helpful because successful visual merchandisers must understand consumer buying behavior, as well as what it takes to create effective merchandise displays. An internship with an experienced Visual Merchandiser or Interior Designer is also helpful.
Personal Characteristics/Skills - Creativity; above-average ability for artistic expression; technical and design expertise (e.g. building set, props, setting up proper lighting, etc); knowledge of retail and art/design industry trends and forecasts; ability to work well with others.
Visual Merchandiser Career Path:Visual Merchandising Assistant > Visual Merchandiser > Visual Merchandising Coordinator > Visual Merchandising Director
Learn More about Visual Merchandising Schools:Start your career today by enrolling in an Interior Design or Visual Merchandising program from one of our highly respected interior design schools!
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Visual Merchandiser
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